Monday, August 29, 2016

Eliza Crowder Forever Young Zone - Visit #6

Eliza Crowder
Forever Young Zone - Visit #6
Supervisors: Christine Lewman and Maryellen Hinderliter ( and  (
October 29, 2015

This visit to the FYZ was a special one because when I arrived, I was not alone! I saw a sign that read "Come play Bingo with the Stanford Baseball Team!" I was immediately very excited because one of my great family friends plays on the Stanford baseball team, and I was excited to see him. Since this visit was right around Halloween time, we played a halloween version of Bingo and we also decoratde pumpkins! 

On this visit, I spent a lot of time interacting with a young girl who clearly had the cognitive abilities of a 12 year old or so, but whose body was extremely udnerdeveloped - to the point where she still looked like a toddler. I also talked quite a bit with a young boy afflicted with an aggressive brain tumor. My heart broke as I left the FYZ that day because I couldn't help but think "why did this happen to them? Why not me? Why not any of my family members?" It just goes to show that life is so unfair to so many people around the world. Through my volunteering experience there, I have gained a huge appreciation for good health. 

During this particular visit, I loved seeing the baseball players interact with the children. It was refreshing to see how sweet and loving they were towards the kids. People often stereotype baseball players (and athletes in general) as being rigid, cocky, etc. But in reality, everyone has a soft spot deep down in which they can connect to others to make differences in their lives. 

Volunteering in the FYZ is something that I plan to continue doing because it makes me a better person and because I can brighten others' days. In these past six visits I have learned so much about how to interact with others, how to work hardd, how to be an example to those around me, and how to be grateful for everything that I have. 

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