Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Amélie's Veteran's Hoptel Reflection

Sophomore Community Service Day: InnVision Shelter Network Hoptel

  1. What we did . . . in your own words, thinking literally, figuratively, metaphorically, what did we accomplish. Whatever you do, make the description go beyond the plain.
  2. My favorite part was . . .
  3. Did you discover anything about yourself? Describe any emotional/gut-level reactions to the day.
  4. In the future, I think . . . 

Today in the Hoptel, we picked the fruits and veggies out of the garden. There were zucchinis, tomatoes, watermelons and flowers. After we took all of these foods out, we uprooted and turned the soil over and planted more plants. We planted lettuce, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, cilantro, and basil. Some of us also dead headed the germaniums and pulled out weeds, trimmed the bushes, planted little flowers and picked up trash. The trash we picked up was horrifying, both in the amount and what it actually was. I would feel genuinely uncomfortable living next to a place where people treated the land like a dump. The trash ranged from clothes and napkins to drugs and feces. 

My favorite part was planting the vegetables and making the flowers pretty, because you could really see the end result. 

I discovered that while I enjoyed helping people in terms of the yard and landscaping, I definitely could not do what I did today for a living. I could work helping people in one of the other shelters, but this particular job would be physically and emotionally straining to work helping people going through such difficult times. Perhaps it was the drugs we found or the mental health and substance abuse issues, but I would not be strong enough to work that job. 

In the future, I will be ore appreciative of people working minimum wages and going through these issues in their lives. 

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