Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Evan's experience

1. During this trip at the Hoptel we did a variety of things. For me, I dug through soil and planted different plants to make the front yard looking exceptionally pretty. It was hard work that got my hands dirty. Then we ate lunch and after that we picked up trash that was piling up behind the house.

2.  My favorite part was planting the flowers throughout the front yard. It was fun having to physically exert myself to plant these plants and in the end it will turn out to be a very good looking front yard. I also liked picking up the trash because we found many different interesting items that were thrown out. It was also a good feeling knowing that it was helping out the environment.

3. I did not really discover anything about myself during the actual trip, but watching the 30 day movie made me discover how easy my life is. In the movie these people were struggling so much living on minimum wage and I realized that I was not experiencing any of these struggles that anyone on minimum wage feels.

4. In the future, I think that I will be more grateful for what I am gifted with and won't take things for granted like I did previously.

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