Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Eliza's Reflection

1. Today, we went to the "Hoptel shelter" for Veterans and we helped to improve their garden, we cooked some dinner and dessert for them, we wrote some "thank you" cards, and we also picked up a lot of trash along the perimeter of the property. We tried to make the living conditions for these veterans better and hopefully our work benefitted the shelter in many ways. 

2. My favorite part of the day was planting the lettuce, basil, cauliflower and other plants in the garden outside the Hoptel. It was fun to see the direct change that we were making and hopefully the shelter will be able to use the vegetable that we planted.

3. I discovered how lucky I am to be able to live in a beautiful, safe part of town and attend an amazing school. We often take advantage of our opportunities and resources, but today made me more aware of the luxuries that we have access to.

4. In the future, I will have more gratitude towards the living veterans and the hard times that they often go through. I am now more aware of how just a day of service can really help and benefit many people. 

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