Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Community Service Reflections - @ the Veterens Hoptel

Hi folks,
   Here's the template of what we'd like as a reflection, from each of you:

  1. What we did . . . in your own words, thinking literally, figuratively, metaphorically, what did we accomplish. Whatever you do, make the description go beyond the plain.
  2. My favorite part was . . .
  3. Did you discover anything about yourself? Describe any emotional/gut-level reactions to the day.
  4. In the future, I think . . . 
Each of you is both amazing and articulate. You're capable of producing a thoughtful, unique pieces of writing (think Holden Caufield) that help us understand who you are and your view of the world. 

You'll do a great deal of this type of writing over the next two years -- especially for college apps -- and, hopefully, it's also the kind of thinking that will shape all your meaningful life decisions. I'm really looking forward to hearing what you have to say.


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